The Eight Building Blocks For A Balanced Diet
The eight building blocks required by dogs for a balanced diet are:
Water – dissolves nutrients to prepare them for digestion and transports them through the intestinal wall.
Protein – used for muscle repair, skin cell renewal, hair growth, the creation of many hormones and enzymes.
Carbohydrates – assist in the digestion of other nutrients, provide quick energy, but do little to support the function of the body. Glucose is important for the dog’s brain and muscles.
Fats – major source of energy. Keep the skin and pads supple, the coat shiny and carry fat-soluble vitamins into the body from the intestine.
Fibre – helps form stools for regular elimination.
Vitamins – 21 different vitamins in total. Dogs don’t manufacture vitamins themselves. Divided into fat soluble (4) and water soluble (17).
Minerals – help with bone and cartilage formation, fluid maintenance, hormone manufacture, function of muscles and nerves, transportation of oxygen around the body via the blood.
Enzymes – protein molecules that exist to speed up the chemical reactions between cells in the body. The pancreas produces enzymes to assist in digestion but they are also present in fresh foods.