Suggested Books
Below is a selection of books that I have found informative - most are available from your normal book suppliers
The Welsh Springer Spaniel
(World of Dogs)
by Anne Walton
Welsh Springer Spaniel
(Pet Love)
by Haja Van Wessem
How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves
by Sophia Yin
The Dog's Mind
Understanding Your Dog's Behaviour
by Bruce Fogle
The Perfect Puppy
by Gwen Bailey
Britain's Number One PuppyCare Book
The Culture Clash
by Jean Donaldson
Not such an easy read, but worth
Don't Shoot the Dog!:
The New Art of Teaching and Training
by Karen Pryor
How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days
by Shirlee Kalstone
On Talking Terms with Dogs:
Calming Signals
by Turid Rugaas
My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do?
by Turid Rugaas
Canine Body Language:
A Photographic Guide: Interpreting the Native Language of the Domesitc Dog
by Brenda Aloff
Endal: How One Extraordinary Dog Brought a Family Back from the Brink
by Allen Parton, Sandra Parton